Monday, February 17, 2014

Presidential Racist Blowback


Watched an incident the other day that made the mind do backflips.  A guy went off a black guy, for apparently no reason.  So many expletives deleted were used I ran out of fingers counting them.  The guy was just ragging on the black guy.

Made my wonder, how much has Obama’s using the racist remarks to people caused backlash from people he has been hating on?  There is a certain segment out there that is going to be racist no matter what, that’s a given   My question is”": has the number of people hating on blacks because of Obama’s remarks created another layer of hatred? 

During the segregation protests of the 60’s, there was a certain level of race baiting, yet lots of that subsided over time and into the 70’s lots of racial hatred subsided. 

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With Obama, I have seen an increase in hateful racial epitaphs.  Has there’s been there all along and Obama brought it to the forefront?  Has the Prez, fanned the flames with comments or are people just returning hate for hate?

The entitlement mind set turns so many people off but the government keeps pushing the freebie programs, fueling the flames.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Canadian Refrigerator …….. No … No Bacon


To the north lies the Artic Circle, that magical ring of cold.   The land of igloos, icebergs and cold air.  The gentle folks of Canada embrace that cold air mass and live as its neighbor.  They are a hardy group of people when it comes to cold. 

When it comes to the cold air up there, it tends to stay to the north.  There are occasions though when the door is left open and south flows the cold.  In the summer that mass of cold air is welcomed when if flows south.  Bringing with it a brief respite from the heat.  In the winter though, people want to bar the door on the cold Canadian air mass, keeping it up north.

Couple of weeks ago, the bar broke and the cold air ushered forth.  Growing icicles, frosting limbs, shivering timbers and raising havoc.   

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Generally these cold snaps are short lived.  In a day or two the sun is back and the thaw begins.  This time the air hovered, frosting ice on everything.  Day after day, the skies were overcast, the animals were hunkered down and the humans seldom ventured forth.  It was a battle of the mind.  Would the mind succumb to the cold are would there be thoughts of warmer days.

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Yet for as nasty cold as it is, there is a silence over the land, a peaceful tranquilly as the cold envelopes.   It seems like the cold will last forever, day after day the sky is shrouded in gray clouds.  Tiny snow flakes float down, skipping over land, collecting into tiny drifts.   The bitterness if felt, yet not. 

The drone continues, man continues.  Walks are shoveled, roads are plowed and ice is scraped.  Will it ever end?  Life moves on, another day passes, will it be a day of beauty or agony, it is my choice how to see it.

I know it will pass and better days are on the horizon.  The sun has not been extinguished, it will reappear.  It warming rays will wrap me in its embrace.

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Soon the clouds retreat, the cold air quivers and shakes in the warmth of Old Sol.  Tiny jewels are revealed, sparkles dance in the bright lights.  The cold is losing its grip, no winter is not over but the ice box is thawing. 

There are moments of joy, having survived another Canadian icy blast that lasted to long. 

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Traffic moves on, animals graze, another chapter in winter is coming to a close.  There will be snow, for winter wants to linger.  It ice box cousin is closed, hopefully and spring will be a joy with the moisture.  The trees will have green leaves, the yucca will blossom and the grasses will green up.  The cold breath of winter brings the joys of spring.  Cabin fever will be great this spring because the Canadians were so nice to share their refrigerator.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snow of Epic Proportions …. Hardly


What started out as a gentle snow the first of the week is turning into a good sized snow.  Not much wind, which is nice, the flakes are tiny but are mounting into some snow piles.

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Soon the little critter tracks will be buried.  Into the warm spots the wildlife will scurry.  Wait out the snow and venture forth on another day. 

For some it is lemons, I see lemonade.  We have been dry and the dust has blown several times the past couple of years.  Springs have dried up and so have a few ponds.  Last Fall there were good rains, now we are getting good snow. 

Moisture to feed the crops, to feed the steak makers to feed the people. 

Snow is not easy to move around in but is it necessary to get out in it.  Maybe I shall join the snow shoe rabbit and go hoping in the freshness of white flakes. 

We are expected to get more snow throughout the week.  Maybe enough to make a snow man….. Lady?…. hahj.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

A Lions Day


The month left like a lion and the beginning day of the next continued the lions journey.  It was snowing on the last day of January and the snow fell on into February.  It was a nice snow, gentle, light breeze and not real cold.  Late in the day the wind picked up some making the air like little ice knives picking at one.

Snow is appreciated for it is like a reservoir in the mountains and sores in drifts slowly melting into late summer.  Feeding the streams, supplying the reservoirs with drinking water. 

This is the water in the rivers and streams.  The water that keeps the grass green.  Unlike the midwest, we do not get lots of rain in the summer.  The mountain snowpack is our water storage.  The springs are supplied with the water in the far mountains and surfaces after long journey underground. 

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The trees are coated, making a winter wonderland.  The outside is cleansed with the freshness of the snow.  Diamonds sparkle in the sunlight.  The pixie dust glows in the hidden sunlight.  The mighty powers of the sun are blocked by the thick clouds. 

Doing a winter snow dance, leaving footprints in the fresh snow, camera joyfully capturing pixels.