Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Neighbor…….. Sunbathing


Ah Ha….. a fur lined bunny basks in the warmth of the sun on a cold morning.


The vacant lot next door houses lots of junk which makes nice dwelling spots for little critters.  Cottontails get in among the stacks and make nice little burrows to live in and make little fur balls.  As the population grows so do the visitors.  Being at the bottom of the food chain lots of hungry larger critters show up for a meal.  To see a bunny this size is unusual, most make the menu of a visitor to the vacant lot dinning parlor.

Coyotes stop by in the evening, the hoot of the owl notes that it is hungry and looking the buffet over.  then there are the feral cats.  Cats camp out near food and they use the junk piles as home also. There are also the neighborhood cats that browse the diner.


This one took up residence in the clump of grass and spent the morning soaking up some warm rays of El Sol.  A loud noise and he would perk up and look around.  Lay the ears back down and go back to drowsing. Most of the snow is gone but the rays are still warming.


The setting moon this morning was interesting.  rising sun gave it a silvery glow with a plum cast sky.


Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

Hi John, I enjoyed your story in word and images. That looks like one big rabbit. That is neat how it is sunbathing in the middle of winter. It looks like it has a pretty heavy winter coat. I just love your last photo of the moon setting, as the sun rises.Love the colours of the sky.
Take care, and stay warm.
Dianne :)

Unknown said...

Hossenfeffer for supper? Jack Rabbit? Very big or pregnant. The photo of the morning moonset is beautiful John. Keep warm and be well.

Anonymous said...

Pretty shot of the full moon there John, and the sunbathing bunny. I hope we get some more sunshine("-")

Ramblingon said...

Loving the pictures and story John.

Lady Penelope said...

Hope the Bunny is careful and lives to sunbathe for many more days...Great descriptive words, I especially like the 'plum cast sky', great photo too. xPenx

Joe said...

Excellent pictures John. I love seeing those rabbits around though admittedly I haven't seen as many this year as usual. I'd think it was th foxes that got to them except I've not seen them either. I hope that spring will bring some animals around again. One year we had the most Meadow Larks I'd ever was truly bliss to open the windows and hear them chirping away out there! Bless you my friend.

Debra said...

Especially like the picture of the setting moon. I have tried often to get a good picture when the moon is pretty, but can never seem to get a good shot.


Ramblingon said...

Actually I have given some thought to a smaller camera for travel near by. My Nikon is only a couple of years old. Just I carry so much with it just in case. :-)

Anonymous said...

That is a huge bunny!