Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Passing Sun


With time the cycle rolls around.  The sun moves from north to the south.  Colors change. clouds float, ever changing, a motion that is ever changing but always the same. 


IMGP3777 (640x416)

Into the eve ole man sol travels.  On the morrow he shall return.  Light, warmth and life he carries. 

His days are not numbered.  Measurement comes from his location.  Across the horizon rays reach their fingers.  Touching caressing…. bringing life’s warmth.  The same each day, a pattern that changes to be the same.

Steps I measure out no length, without direction.  Leading to where.  Prints left behind.  Frozen in a moment.  Briefly forgotten, rediscovered, where to look.  Was it lost, misplaced or hidden.

The march continues, following a rhythm few hear or see.

Gather me up.  Warp me in your warmth.

Carry me.


Lisa said...

So very beautiful in words and image John.

Joe said...

Love it John, I like the vibe on this one.

Kathryn Magendie said...

So much to catch up on --- your prose is beautiful, and so are the photos. I've missed coming by. Dang those deadlines and expections and all that keeps me from visiting as much as I'd like!

Lisa said...

I hear it and see it John.
Blessings my friend.

Here I Am Carrie said...

So soothing words John. And an amazing photo.