A day set aside by the government as a day of rest and celebration. The day has an unusual history and somewhat checkered. Lots of it has been lost in the pages of history. Like so many things, people twist history around to fit their own agenda.
Today Labor Day is not what it used to be. It has become so politicized by a few that the celebration of the workers has been lost in the name calling.
I will take my picnic and go to the great outdoors and have a quiet celebration. Big Labor be dammed and Big business…. go fly a kite. I too can be selfish and focus on self like they do.
All…. enjoy the day…. look out for the ants and have a great one.
It truly has been politicized. Me? I just intend to enjoy the extra day off and enjoy that the best I can with my family while doing my best to forget the nonsense of the day. I preach tomorrow so having a Monday off will be kind of nice. Have a great weekend John.
Enjoy your picnic John. Nothing like the outdoors.
I am going to have a quiet day..no family. I'll enjoy it..and if it's not raining I'll go take pictures.
I am with you should have packed a lunch and gone for a picnic, but had company all weekend so just want to stay home and rest from all my labors. Have a wonderful week. Hugs Carrie
Here, hear!! I hope you enjoyed your day!
Hi John...s'mee again.
I worked on my manuscript - it was a rainy day, but I really did enjoy my day ... smiling warmly at you John!
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