Saturday, October 22, 2011

A View


For a variety of Reasons the eye is attracted to views/images, some are pleasing others distracting and so forth.  The Vista lets the eye travel to the horizon, to the world’s end.  Do a 180 and there is the end of the view.

Parallax is the divergence that never ends and it is the same no matter the distance.  Lines the appear to converge, remain the same distance apart.  To what end does the eye travel?

IMGP4075 (640x425)


Floating cotton puffs dapple the sky, poles mark lines, cars pass by, wind riffles grasses, a brief moment paused.

From here to there an eternity, flowing together, to never join up.  A separation merging not that gives the illusion of converging.

The weekend is rolling along, it touches not the last, it goes on to the next.  Adjoining but with no attachment.  To the next it marches, pauses not to attach.

May your days have journeys of no end that reach to the next and continue in a path of desires.


Joe said...

I love your way with words here John. That photo really takes me away to another place somehow. Love what you've done with this.

Here I Am Carrie said...

You are really contemplating life in your words. I love it also the photo you have. May you have a wonder full week that goes on forever. Hugs Carrie