Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Warfare of the Classes


I read the stories about the various occupy protests and wonder what they want to accomplish.  One of the themes that keeps cropping up is warfare among the classes, a revolution.  It appears they are not content with the country they live in and want the country to be of a different style.  This leads to lots of ferment and creates lots of anger.

Do a search on the Russian revolution and read a bit about it.  One of the key things is the different classes and the conflicts that arose.

A small group in Russia protested against the rich and landed people.  It was against the rulers, the Queen, the Tsars and others.  It went on for several decades, lots of conflicts and turmoil leading to many overthrows and finally the communist country in 1918.

Communism was very strong in the US during the late 1800’s into the early 1900’s.  WWI diverted lots of the communist enthusiasm in the US but it did not go away.  In the 1950’s  were the McCarthy hearings on communism and J Edgar Hoover.  Communism faded back into the wood work but did not die.

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Marxism is still taught in colleges and universities as being an acceptable form of governance.   Yet every place in the world Marxism has been tried, it has failed.  The teachers and professors in universities continue to teach Marx. 

Are we a country doomed to fall under the axe of Communism.  As long as the protestors continue to flaunt the law and there are no consequences for their illegal  actions a totalitarian government is on the horizon.

So many who love freedom have had the attitude of live and let live.  Today the bullies a moving into the land of governance and the so many are afraid of confronting them because they see what is on the other side, a serious conflict.  It appears it is a battle they are not ready to engage in.  A line is being drawn.

What do we expect from our government, has not clearly been defined….. has it?


Joe said...

History more than gives me pause with all of this that is going on today. Did you know that the protestors are the people of the year in Time? I guess that goes with the ever famous title that declares God is dead and we're all communists now...delightful. What bothers me as much as anything is that few seem willing to accept that we are in a crisis...living their little lives and floating like a dead fish down the stream while the battle lines are being drawn.

Johhny Bravo said...

Great article and tying in how creeping systematic and systemic revolution occurs in the heart of Communist experiments, Russia. Is was the great US Communist thinker Saul Alinsky who dedicated a book to Lucifer and penned "revolution begins in the schools" and so our education system went into decay as a socialists experiment and orientation hatchery from the 1960's on as counter-culture communists ideologues moved from anti-war protests into academia and teaching.

Now we have 2 generations of Americans taught to hate their founding countries principles and revisionist history, politically correct stripped language and underlying cultural identity and replacing belief systems from deity to government. We have raised generations of dependents with entitlement mentalities which has rotted and destroyed the stitching and common experiences holding our diverse society together.

The Occupiers are very passionate but unguided in their message, and for good reason. Just as "Hope and Change" got Obama elected, the more vague and interpretive the Occupiers message is the better, as is the "big tent" approach of progressives who have hijacked the DNC. The only real focus is on free university education and instant access to family sustaining employment, yet they protest employers of those institutions and demand dismantling the very system they want to be a part of. All while camping out in public space wearing designer jeans, carrying Apple electronics, and using social media (all of which are the titans of the very capitalistic system they are raging against) to carry their message forward. There is a word for them from the very philosophy they are pushing for, useful idiots. They are the shock troops leading the spear for social chaos and disorder to sway the masses in a tipping point event that will usher in the natural cycle of Democracy, back to tyranny as we, as a nation, have become too complacent and forgiving to "trim the tree of Liberty..." as Jefferson put it. We have become a house divided against itself and now the government is there to say "we are the government and we are here to help" and it seems we are now willing to invite them in. Its a sad state of affairs for once a great nation to slip into such a period all while failing to head the warnings of 40 years of leaders telling us this was coming.

Here I Am Carrie said...

Everyone had just got to cushy for awhile. I think all that has been going on since even the housing crisis has finally shaken some people and turned some lives up side down for people to realize nothing is a for sure thing anymore. One needs to start taken care of themselves and planning for their own future and not sit back and wait for the government to do it. It's sad those that have had to suffer, but maybe next time they won't be spending beyond their means. Also if people would be more responsible for their own welfare we wouldn't need a government to take over everything. I also feel as far of business and all that's happening out there the consumer can change all that. Business only makes money from people who buy. So in the end the consumer has the real power to change so much in the world of trade. Buy from only what you want to support changes in. Ok getting off the track here. Hope you have a wonderfully blessed Christmas filled with little high lights to add to your calendar. Lots of concerts and events this time of the year to attend. God Bless