A Tour of
Town Lights
On this solstice day, let the light return. The use of lights to brighten up the darkness of winter was used to brighten up the celebration of Christmas.
I took a tour of the the local decorations around town, some were pretty simple to very elaborate. Yet it was enjoyable to drive around town seeing what others have done. I went to some of the neighboring towns. Even the small one, maybe 100 people live there, had decorated their town for Christmas.
Most of these little towns were built on the highway, so main street would also be the highway. The street lamps became posts to hang decorations from and the highway would become well lit.
It was also interesting the different decorations. Gives one an insight to what Christmas means to them. One disheartening note was the lack of manger scenes. Santa out numbered Jesus.
Didn’t realize I had taken so many pictures till I started sorting them for this post.
May you and your family be blessed this Christmas and Have a Happy New Year.