Saturday, March 22, 2014

ReLiving The Past


One of my pleasures is taking the time on occasion to visit the museums in the small towns.  Most are closed through the winter.  So when I do find open for a snow day I take advantage of it.

I like to look at things and imagine what it would have been like in years past.  What would it be like to use that machine, cook with those pots n kettles or ride in that buggy.

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This mail cart caught my attention.  Look at how it down between the wheels and look at the suspension and springs.  I could see the letter wagon trotting down the rod, the driver letting the horse amble while reading the latest in pulp fiction. 

At the mailbox the horse pauses, the letters are removed from the box and new letters are placed inside.  A clicking of the tongue and the horse begins trotting down the road again. 

Down the road at the next house some children are out front playing when they see the horse and its cart.  Out to the road they  run to say hi at the mailman.  Out of the back a catalogue is retrieved, with joy the children jump up and down.  The wish book has arrived.  Inside are the latest toys, clothes and other dreamy things to look at.

The children run to the house, a clicking of the tongue and down the road to the next mailbox they trot. 

What a difference in the pace of time and choices of what is fun.   How many today know the name of their mailman, say hi to them, pass the time of day?

I don’t get home delivery, I have to go into the Post Office and open my mailbox.  Sometimes Linda or Kay are in the lobby and a quick hi or pleasantries are exchanged.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Different times...different pace of life. We do say hi to our mailman...even when we see him elsewhere. In the age of on-line ordering I'm amazed more private companies haven't stepped forward to offer delivery services.