Sunday, April 12, 2020

Country Community

Liberty Community

  Liberty was a church community, located in central Lincoln County, CO.  Many of these little churches dotted the plains years ago.  Few survived the Dust Bowl of the 30’s.  The land around Liberty is mostly ranch land because the soil is very sandy and not good farm land.  Yet here people settled and raised their families. 

  Today the only reminder that there had been a community is the remaining graveyard.  The church was removed a number of years ago, there is a slight depression in the ground where it had once been located.    The graveyard is well laid out, with section and row markers still in place.  Somebody in the area gives it TLC on occasion, moving the weeds/grass. 

Over the years I would drive past the little graveyard, giving little attention.  I would stop on occasion to take a picture of the gate.  The entry is very ornate and was a good subject for some nice pictures.  I finally made it appoint to go visit and have a look see.  I’m guessing there were lots of wooden crosses that were used in the early days and they have rotted or blown away.   There were some homemade markers and some of an early century style.  I did not see any veterans headstones.  The latest I saw was 1935.

I found an old history book for Lincoln County and It had a picture of the church and gave a brief history on the community, the local settlers.  From the looks of the picture, the church was on the downhill side of fading.   By the time 1940 rolled around the church was gone and many of the early settlers had moved on.  The graveyard is a silent memory of days gone by. 

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