Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Into the Dark


It was a Dark and Stormy night

Joe tilted his head to the side as he rounded the corner onto Main Street.  Here on the main drag downtown, Joe would have some protection from the swirling rain.  It a dark and stormy night as Joe marked his steps down the sidewalk.  

Across the street, the marquee from the movie house was dark.   In the light of the lobby, Joe could see the attendant cleaning up.  Soon the movie would be over and the movie goers would head out the front door. 

Leaning into the wind, Joe continued his journey down the walk.  At the corner he paused, glancing off to the left, he could see the line of streetlights marching off the end of town.  The headlights to his right caught his attention and he stood on the corner.  The lone car turned and headed for the lights of the gas station couple of blocks down the street. 

Crossing the street, Joe’s attention shifted to the diner across the way.  The lights of the diner, glared out onto the walk, producing a daylight look.    On down the street Joe walked, turning into a doorway.  Here Joe was out of the elements.  Glancing across the street at the diner, Joe fished a cigarette out of his shirt pocket.  A flame flashed in front of Joe’s face, revealing a cigarette dangling from his lips.  The flame disappeared, revealing a glow in the front of Joe’s face.  Smoke swirled out of the doorway to be blasted away by the stormy wind.  Settled into the doorway, Joe returned his gaze to the diner across the way. 


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