Monday, September 26, 2011

Threshers Day … IV … Tractors


Get country folks together and the tractor weasels it way in to the conversation.  Old Threshers Day has its share of tractors.  They get shown off in the parade or at the pull.

The Johnny Poppers are probably the most popular and the red McCormick's a second.  There is whole other variety of plowing machines.  The steam tractors were missing because of the regulations the government pushed on to them.  Sometimes I would like to plow the bureaucrats into the ground, they would make such good fertilizer.  They also know how to screw life up, oh well, on to the tractors.

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These are some of the more unusual and rare tractors on display.

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There is usually a homemade contraption around someplace.


Men and their machines.


Joe said...

I actually like your idea about plowing John though I don't know that a machine has ever been made that could handle such a task! As always thank you for sharing my friend.

Lisa said...

John I had stop and snicker about the bureaucrats. You can come up here and get ours too.

The tractor show is what I call it is always a big hit up here too. There are so many.

Ramblingon said...

I got tickled. LOVED this blog and pictures. Memories for me.

Here I Am Carrie said...

When you look at the old tractors and see the 1/4 million dollor stuff they use now it a wonder farmers have problems making payments for their equitement. Our old tractor is in need of new tires. Too much use in the forest pulling trees out have been hard on the tires.