Sunday, November 20, 2011

Being Thankful


A very unique holiday was brought by a religious group fleeing persecution.   On a small ship they set sail from England to the New World.  Had very little  idea what they would be facing or what to take. 

When they landed they were thankful for a safe trip and so their adventure began.  They had many failures upon arrival and as winter was setting in their provisions were lacking.  The Indians who were living in the land saw the plight of the new people and gathered up food and brought it to the new people living on their land. 

In thankfulness the pilgrims had a celebration feast with their new neighbors. 

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Today I am thankful for the country I live in but after the occupy protests I wonder how much longer this country will be free.

It is one thing to break the law but for the law keepers to ignore the broken rules and do nothing makes me stop and wonder what is happening.  Then I read the stories of the Christians being killed in the Middle East and Africa.  So far the US is a relatively free country and Thanks giving can be celebrated as a religious holiday.  Christmas is another question at a later time.

As more and more mandates are pushed out the door of the bureaucracy…. more and more freedoms are lost.  A mandate impinges on ones freedom of choices for to violate a mandate is violate a law.  Yet the politicians let things like this go on the books.

Step back and look at the persecution of the pilgrims and where it came from.  Lots of it came from the government.  The government does not like competition and religion competes with government.  Compare the rules.

So this thanks giving I ponder,  who’s rules shall I live under, can I endure the persecution or will I fight back?  Christians in America are facing some tough times ahead unless there is a change in attitude of Christians on both sides of the political spectrum.



Joe said...

We have come a long way since Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday. I was reading that Thanksgiving in the past was celebrated pretty much when there was something to be thankful for...enough food to eat, surviving a crisis as a community etc. Thankfulness isn't always so easy to come by. This should represent something that is an attitude of heart...may that be so for us all. I don't know what the future holds but I do know that faith and thankfulness are directly's worth fighting for.

Hope said...

Hi John.. happy that you had a nice Thanksgiving.. we had a very nice one as well.. there is so many thing in this life to be thankful for.. and as you stated.. some to be a little fearful of.. but trust and faith will see us through the hard times that will hit our country.. in ways we would have never imagined.
Christmas is just around the corner now.. and for one I am going to enjoy it.. without all the garbage that some try to throw in.. like all the adds.. buy buy buy.. well they are not gong to be getting my money this year.. all gifts will be hand made.. given with smiles and love.. I wish for you to have a peaceful and relaxing Christmas.. and may the spirit of Christmas flow easily into your life and all who come in contact with you...
well we fight back ? one has to I think.. in what ways is the question..

Here I Am Carrie said...

I so wish I could have gone to the states this year and spent Thanksgiving with some of my family. But with the snow just couldn't get away. It always feel so weird here in Canada when all my family is celebrating in November and I now celebrate in October. Now that there are so many religions in the states how can one decide who it right. Religion has always torn people and countries apart and always will till that day that God has always promised us. Man will never be able to right the wrongs, only the hand of God can make it right again. I am thankful for that otherwise there would be no hope for the world.

Lisa said...

I love the history you share the images you share and your thoughts. Hope you well John . Blessings my friend.

Johhny Bravo said...

This was my 5th Thanksgiving away from the US and it has become easier as the true spirit of Thanksgiving, and our other holidays, isn't tied to something material or obtainable, but how we live and revere our lives and world. I am truly grateful for all the blessings I and my family have and wish my country could pull out of the tail spin toward the ground it is in. When the law is no longer blind and selectively applied the hopes and liberties of yesterday are gone forever as you can't put the smoke back into the bottle once released. We must remember, as the Republic is tied down and dismantled piece by piece, that these truths are self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, not granted rights by governments or man, for it is man who corrupts and places shackles on his fellow man for selfish and "good intended" reasons.