Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Short Prairie Clip


I have developed a fascination for things that move on the high plains.  This recent video is a contrast between two different types of energy sources.  Note that not all things are not moving or spinning.  Things malfunction/break, hence they stop.



The area has become a mini energy center.  There are wind turbines that stretch for about 35 miles and 8-15 miles wide.  The oil filed is even a larger swath across the grassland but it is spotted.  The oil wells are not as large as the wind turbines nor do they look as obnoxious.  Then that’s my opinion.  But both are a blight on what was once a pristine pastoral farm and ranch land. 


Joe said...

I've read some stats about wind power...not everything is positive...deaths of birds hitting them...break downs, fires and even deaths from ice flying off of them...I think we've got a long way to go before it's perfect but comparing what we have available now...maybe all the solar and wind stuff isn't as wonderful as some would have us believe.

Here I Am Carrie said...

Yes what use to be quiet rolling hills is now being filled up with all sorts of energy objects. Our landscapes is surely changing.