Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving


This being the week of Thanks I will not post any more until after Thanksgiving.  No I do not go shopping that day.

I hope everybody has a great week and that their celebration be festive.

The little town I live in used to have turkey farms galore, it was a major business until the mass growers undercut them.


SDC14002 turkey hse

The low building in the background was the processing house for the turkeys, next door to the grain elevator.  It was torn down a year ago, after sitting empty for many years.

SDC14143 turkeys


Guess the turkeys now feel safe as they roam the village.  This hen collection was cackling up a storm in a neighbors yard beneath the trees.

This time of year through spring they wander the yards seeking out food and I would guess a few end up on a table.


May God Bless you and yours this holiday.


Joe said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you John! You seem like my kinda guy with the whole thing not wanting to decorate for Christmas until after Thanksgiving and not shopping on Thanksgiving...who needs the chaos of Black Friday? I really enjoyed your pictures once again. I love the pictures of the they do feel pretty safe there! Bless you my friend.

TenMile said...

You too, John.

Ramblingon said...

Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.